Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Don't Listen For the Imperfections

My oldest granddaughter has a voice that carries....loudly.  And she knows how to use it. She has to be reminded to use her "inside voice" quite often.  I know she gets on a lot of people's nerves, including her mother's.  That's not surprising since her mother has a lot of voices pulling at her with three little ones and her many needy patients in her work, just to name a few.  I have to admit there are times when I even get a little frustrated with Rachel but overall, her voice is music to me.  From the time I first heard her cry outside that hospital delivery suite when she made her loud entrance into this world to the time I first heard her coin the name Mamoo at 1 year of age, to the present, the sound of her voice always captures my heart.  Now, understand, my other two grandchildren mean as much to me as Rachel, but they are all unique in their own special ways.  I love them dearly.  They are the light of my life without a doubt.  But a thought that occurred to me from a recent comment made to me prompted this post.

Rachel is much like her daddy.  She is musical.  She is always singing.  I remember her daddy, when he was little, would sing to the top of his lungs while sitting on the potty!  It was funny.....but precious.  He was always making noises or singing or drumming on his chest....or whatever was handy at the time.  I'm afraid not much of that has changed, though, thankfully, most of his has been channeled constructively into beautiful original songs and melodies, both vocal and instrumentally.  Rachel is extremely independent and very extroverted.  She's going to be a song writer as well, I'm sure.  She makes up her own songs and melodies.  Some of them need work.  She already has a beautiful voice and can carry a tune very well.  But, also like her daddy, she likes to make up silly songs and this is where the rub is.

The family was sitting in our living room relaxing recently after a delicious meal prepared by my daughter-in-law and Rachel, along with Jordan and Ellie, were in the other room playing.  I'm so accustomed to their sounds of playing that a lot of things that might give pause to someone else doesn't even register with me.  Rachel was making up another one of her silly melodies and her mother, who was very tired after a long day of traveling prior to making dinner, commented on the chalkboard scratching effect it had on her tired ears and asked me if it didn't bother me.  And, truthfully, I hadn't even noticed.  I thought about it later and this thought occurred to me.  I think there comes a softening with age to a lot of things.  Grandparents, especially, have had the "edges" rubbed off to where irritations don't "catch" as much.  We don't notice the imperfections.  I think love plays a part in it, too.  Not that we love any more than our younger children, but we definitely love differently.  And then another thought occurred to me.  I'm so thankful that when my Heavenly Father listens to my pitiful cries and the messed up melody of my life that He doesn't hear the imperfections.  I am music to His hears! 

Sing on, my little one, just use your "inside voice" when it's appropriate! 


  1. I know it's "just a phase" with the loud singing, and will very soon be replaced with a powerful, beautiful voice. I try to remind myself of this... daily...usually more than once... ok, at least 5 times a day... lol.

  2. Rachel loves to ride down the road with me with the radio turned up to the max, singing along at the top of her lungs (whether she knows the words or not).
    Jennifer was always musical, but not so loud.
    After reading your post today, I now know where Rachel gets her volume:)
    I truly appreciate your Godly, gifted infuence in the lives of our granddaughters. You play such a big role in their musical, spiritual heritage. What a blessing.
